...this is a text exchange happening between my friend (visiting friends in Alabama) and I right now:
E: There are 7 aviators, me, and Gretchen* in a kitchen drinking heavily and listening to Disney music
Me: Calgon take me away
E: Haha this is a dream come true
Me: I'm your long distance Goose, Maverick. "Do some of that pilot shit!!!"
E: Oh and we're listening to Danger Zone
Me: I swear on all that is holy that if you don't say "take me to bed or lose me forever" tonight I will disown you. DISOWN!
E: hahaha
E: Someone just took his shirt off.
Me: Listen to me.
Me: This is important.
Me: Are there jean cutoff shorts?
Me: Are there?
Me: Has anyone spoken of volleyball?
*Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent